
Wikipedia:Chhiū-á-kha/Chhng-khò͘ 1

Wikipedia (chū-iû ê pek-kho-choân-su) beh kā lí kóng...

Chù-ì: chi̍t-ia̍h ê lōe-iông sī tùi 2005 nî 6 go̍eh í-chêng chhiū-á-kha ê kū thó-lūn soá-lâi chia, chhiáⁿ mài tiàm chi̍t-ia̍h koân-téng pian-chi̍p, siu-kái. Siat-sú ū būn-tê chhiaⁿ tiàm thó-lū-ia̍h thó-lūn.

Pe̍h-ōe-jī chìaⁿ-jī-hoat[kái goân-sí-bé]

  • Góa kám-kak chia ê bûn-chiuⁿ èng-kai ài chun-siú chi̍t-thò thóng-it ê pe̍h-ōe-jī chìaⁿ-jī-hoat,Te̍k-pia̍t sī siaⁿ-tiāu ê siá-hoat. Pí-lūn kóng: Tâi-ôan ia̍h sī Tâi-oân? Iōng choán-ia̍h kho-lêng m̄-sī tī-pún ê hong-hoat. Kiàn-gī chham-khó Tiuⁿ Jū-hông ê pe̍h-ōe-jī ki-pún-lūn. Pektiong 08:27, 22 Jun 2004 (UTC)
  • Khó-pí kóng Tâi-oân goân-chū-bîn siōng chē su-iàu 4-ia̍h, kî-tiong 3 ê sī chóan-ia̍h! Só·-í góa ū thê-chhut Wikipedia:Pe̍h-oē-jī Su-siá-hoat ê kò·-sióng, chiam-tùi khó-lêng bô it-tì ê cheng-hêng kui-hoān. LanguageXX.php mā ū-kóa search iōng ê code, bô-tek-khak ē-tàng kái chò ha̍h POJ ê su-iàu. A-giâu 16:28, 22 Jun 2004 (UTC)

FORMAT of the year/month/day, etc.[kái goân-sí-bé]

  • 1981 nî, 1981 Nî , 1981-nî?
  • 1 go̍eh v.s. Chiaⁿgo̍eh. X go̍eh 3 v.s. X go̍eh chhe saⁿ ,X go̍eh chhe-3.? Pektiong 06:36, 30 Jan 2004 (GMT)
    • "It-go̍eh" (tan-sûn piáu-tat sūn-sī) pí "1 go̍eh" khah chheng-chhó. "1 go̍eh" ē-sái sī "1-ê go̍eh" ê ì-sù (piáu-tat sò·-liōng). "Chiaⁿ-go̍eh" pí "it-go̍eh" khah thôan-thóng, put-kò "it-go̍eh" khah tan-sûn. Siá "m go̍eh d" (optional ê "chhe" séng-lio̍k). A-giâu 05:19, 16 Apr 2004 (GMT)
    • Lâi kóng Hok-kiàn tē-khu ê kóng-hoat.it-poaⁿ lâi kóng,jı̍t-kî ū pun kū-le̍k kah sin-le̍k.kí chı̍t-ê lē,kū-le̍k "二月初四",ài kóng "jī-go̍eh chhe-sì"; ah sin-le̍k"8月4日",to̍h-ài kóng "peh-go̍eh sì-hō",tī hok-kiàn,bô lâng ē kóng "peh-go̍eh chhe-sì".kiàn-gī Tâi-ôan-lâng tī-leh kóng sin-le̍k ê sî-chūn,chīn-liōng mài-iōng "chhe", "chhe" it-poaⁿ iōng-tī kū-le̍k.
      • Tâi-oân ká-ná bô chit khoán khu-pia̍t? Chóng--sī ē-sái khó-lū. It-poaⁿ lâi kóng, nā bô te̍k-pia̍t kóng sī kū-le̍k, tō chún-chò sin-le̍k. A-giâu 02:32, 20 Jul 2004 (UTC)

Án-chóaⁿ-siá chit-má ê 中華民國政府單位?[kái goân-sí-bé]

Ū kùi-chióng khó-lêng:

Tiong-hôa-bîn-kok sin-bûn-kio̍k
Tiong-hôa-bîn-kok tī Tâi-oân sin-bûn-kio̍k
Tâi-oân sin-bûn-kio̍k
Pektiong 01:42, 27 Jan 2004 (GMT)
Tiong-hôa-bîn-kok sin-bûn-kio̍k A-giâu 16:20, 27 Jan 2004 (GMT)

Án-chóaⁿ-siá ū Ji̍t-pún hàn-jī ê lâng-miâ, tè-miâ?[kái goân-sí-bé]

長崎県, Nagasaki-ken==>??? Tn̂g-kiā kōan (Kanji:長崎県;Nagasaki-ken)?

Pektiong 01:42, 27 Jan 2004 (GMT)
Nagasaki kōan (Ji̍t-bûn:長崎県)?
Siông-iōng miâ (jû Tang-kiaⁿ, Tāi-pán, Pak-hái-tō) ē-sái siá Hō-ló im.
A-giâu 16:17, 27 Jan 2004 (GMT)

Án-choáⁿ kā Talk:Thâu Ia̍h hoân-goân tńg-khì?[kái goân-sí-bé]

Talk:Thâu Ia̍h taⁿ choán khì Thó-lūn, Thó-lūn pún-sin koh choán lai chia. Góa siūⁿ beh î-chhî Talk:Thâu Ia̍h chò koan-hē Thâu Ia̍h ê thó-lūn khong-kan. Kám ū lâng chai án-choáⁿ chhú-lí? A-giâu 16:41, 22 Jun 2004 (UTC)

Kái-hó--a. Ài chhī (Tùi XXX choán--lâi) lāi-té ê mi̍h khì kái Pektiong 02:39, 23 Jun 2004 (UTC)
Iáu sī choán lâi chia :( A-giâu 15:44, 23 Jun 2004 (UTC)
Kái hó ah! A-giâu 09:30, 1 Jul 2004 (UTC)

Zh-cfr = "閩南語"[kái goân-sí-bé]

MediaWiki ê Names.php tóng-àn iōng "閩南語" chit 3-jī. Che piáu-sī í-āu Wikipedia ê "gí-chè liân-kiat" (interlanguage link) ē iōng chit ê chheng-ho· kap siá-hoat. Chāi góa liáu-kái, che sī Wikipedia ê ki-su̍t jîn-oân ka-tī koat-tēng--ê. Chhiáⁿ mn̄g lín kám-kak

  • miâ-chheng kap bûn-jī lóng ē-táng chiap-siū;
  • bē-tàng chiap-siū miâ-chheng kap bûn-jī, èng-kai kái chò ___;
  • ē-tàng chiap-siū bûn-jī, miâ èng-kai kái ___;
  • ē-tàng chiap-siū miâ, bûn-jī èng-kai kái ___.

A-giâu 17:16, 22 Jun 2004 (UTC)

Kî-koài ê hiān-siōng: subdomain sī "minnan" m̄-koh gí-kài ê bé sī "Zh-cfr"! Kàu-sî-chūn lâng m̄-chai beh án-choáⁿ liân kàu chia lâi. A-giâu 15:47, 23 Jun 2004 (UTC)

Khiuⁿ-kháu[kái goân-sí-bé]

An-chóaⁿ piau-sī bûn-chiuⁿ piau-tê ê khiⁿ-kháu? Khp-pí kóng ke(chôaⁿ)/koe(chiang)?Pektiong 07:23, 26 Jun 2004 (UTC)

Góa sī kám-kak "pek-kho-choân-sū" ê tiōng-sim sī tī lōe-iông. Khiuⁿ-kháu ê chha-e̍k chú-iàu sī jī-sû-tián ê khang-khòe. Put-kò ūi beh hong-piān lâng chhiau-chhōe chu-liāu, ē-tàng siat siong-koan ê choán-ia̍h (redirects), chhchh Ke choán khì Koe.
Tī bûn-chiuⁿ lāi-té, góa khah bô khim-hióng chù bô kâng khiuⁿ-kháu, it-poaⁿ mā bô chù hàn-jī, iû-kî hàn-jī siá-hoat bô piau-chún-hòa ê chêng-hêng koh bē-chió, góa bô châi-tiāu koat-tēng án-nóa siá khah hó. A-giâu 16:29, 26 Jun 2004 (UTC)
Chit-mái koh lâi kóng Pe̍h-ōe-jī tú--tio̍h ê 1-kóa-á būn-tôe, che hām khiuⁿ-káu ū tī-tāi, tāi-chì kán-ná koh put-chí-á tōa-tiâu tī--leh! Góa chit-chām-á tī Hok-kiàn chit-pêng tàu kài-siāu, tàu thui-siau lán chit-pún Bân-lâm-gí-pán ê wikipedia, put-jī-kò chóng-sī ē tiāⁿ-tiāⁿ khì tú-tio̍h 1-kóa-á khùn-jiáu. Kî-tiong ū chi̍t-chân tāi-chì to̍h-sī, tōa-to-sò· ê Chôan-chiu-lâng lóng òan-thán kóng POJ siaⁿ-ūn hē-thóng chiâⁿ bô sek-ha̍p Chôan-chiu-ōe, ì-sù sī kóng tōa-to-sò· ê Chôan-chiu-lâng bōe-hiáu-thang siá POJ. In-ūi in bōe-hiáu siá, beh kó·-lē in lâi chham-ú to̍h khah bô khó-lêng. Góa sī leh siūⁿ-kóng, Chôan-chiu chit kak-sì ê jîn-kháu ôan-á bōe-chió, nā-sī ē-tàng lâi chham-ú POJ ( ah-sī ) wikipedia ê chhòng-chok, si̍t-chāi sī 1-chióng chin-tōa e chi-ōan. iah m̄-koh, tāi-seng to̍h-ài seng lâi kái-koat POJ ( sio̍k Ē-mn̂g-ōe ê siaⁿ-ūn hē-thóng ) hām Chôan-chiu-ōe beh án-chóaⁿ chih-chiap chit-ê būn-tôe. Kái-koat būn-tôe liáu-āu, chiah ū khó-lêng khip-ín Chôan-chiu, Tang-oaⁿ chit kak-sì ê pêng-iú lâi chham-ú. Góa siūⁿ chi̍t-ê chho·-pō· kái-koat ê pō·-sò·, tah tī Pak-Tāi Tiong-bûn Lūn-tôaⁿ hia, chhiáⁿ lán kok-ūi chò-hóe lâi khòaⁿ-māi leh, sūn-sòa lâi thàm-thó--chi̍t-ē, án-ne kám hó ? [Pak-Tāi Tiong-bûn Lūn-tôaⁿ]--limkianhui 19:32, 11 Sep 2004 (UTC)

Choân-bûn kiám-sek (full text search)[kái goân-sí-bé]

Tú-chiah hoat-hiān choân-bûn kiám-sek ē-iōng-tit! Chu-liāu-khò· ê index kài-sêng ū tēng-kî keng-sin. Ū-sî bē hoan-èng siōng sin ê lōe-iông? Chhiáⁿ chhì iōng, ē-sái kā ū būn-tê ê lē kì tī chia. A-giâu 16:36, 26 Jun 2004 (UTC)

  • chhoē "thài-pêng" soah chhiau chhut Wiki

Wikipedia tāi-sài[kái goân-sí-bé]

Kā ta̍k-ke pò-kò: góa chí-phài ka-tī chò Hō-ló-oē Wikipedia ê tāi-sài. A-giâu 22:26, 8 Jul 2004 (UTC)

To-chióng gí-giân ê ia̍h[kái goân-sí-bé]

To kúi ia̍h èng-kai ài ū to-chióng gí-giân/bûn-jī? ( pí-lūn kóngTāi-sài-koán ) Pektiong 02:48, 11 Jul 2004 (UTC)

Án-chóaⁿ-tha̍k? Chit ia̍h ê hoān-ûi khó-lêng chāi lâng siūⁿ. Bē-hiáu tha̍k <--> tha̍k bô, kap bē-hiáu tha̍k Wikipedia. Bē-hiáu POJ ê lâng sī-m̄-sī ài iōng hàn-jī siāu-kài hō· in chai? A-giâu 03:38, 11 Jul 2004 (UTC)

Holopedia ê ang-á-phiau[kái goân-sí-bé]

Góa ū khì chhéng 1 ê koaⁿ-hong-sek ê ang-á-phiau [1]. Góa hoat-hiān Wikipedia ê chèng-chhek bô ún-chún lâng iōng ka-kī ê ang-á (chhiáⁿ khoàⁿ Thâu-ia̍h). A-giâu 05:42, 25 Jul 2004 (UTC)

Góa ū khì chhéng upload chit ê ang-á-phiau ê koân-lī. Chiām-sî iōng ê to·:


Khó-lêng 5-tang liáu-āu ē "thong-koè" :) A-giâu 05:32, 11 Sep 2004 (UTC)

Sin Holopedia ê chu-liāu-khò· dump[kái goân-sí-bé]

http://download.wikimedia.org soah bô Holopedia ê iáⁿ, m̄-koh ū lb (bô jōa kú chêng sêng-li̍p ê!). 02:16, 26 Jul 2004 (UTC)

Pháiⁿ-sè, hut m̄-tio̍h khì. Ū dump.
Chit piàn chiâⁿ-si̍t bô--khì ah! A-giâu 06:39, 21 Sep 2004 (UTC)
Puh 1 ê Taiwanese Encyclopedia chhut-lâi, chu-liāu tùi chia lâi ê. A-giâu 00:01, 3 Dec 2004 (UTC)

Name change?[kái goân-sí-bé]

Please read my recent post to wikipedia-l. I have proposed to move minnan.wikipedia.org to peh-oe-ji.wikipedia.org. Translations would be appreciated. -- Tim Starling 09:07, 8 Aug 2004 (UTC)

I am powerless to influence your whim in changing or not changing the hostnames, but this statement is wrong: 'The Taiwanese people who write in zh.wikipedia.org speak the exact same language as those who write on minnan.wikipedia.org.' Please read en:Mandarin (linguistics) and en:Taiwanese (linguistics); they are not the same language. The former has zh:, the latter (as it stands) has minnan:. The problem comes down to what hostname the latter should have. -- Kaihsu 14:52, 8 Aug 2004 (UTC)
You're most certainly not "powerless to influence my whim". I have put my understanding into the public view and requested comments. I will wait patiently for your detailed response.
I'm aware of the difference between Hō-ló-oē and Mandarin. My point was that Hō-ló-oē speakers contribute to zh:, using traditional Han characters. I was clumsily attempting to convey the fact that we are not talking about two different spoken languages. I have posted a clarification to the list.
We can't have a single hostname for Min Nan, because it is written using three different orthographies. Two of those orthographies are already established on zh, and the third is here. I believe it is inappropriate to refer to this one as "the Min Nan Wikipedia" when this third script is only used by a tiny minority of Min Nan speakers. It is true that Peh-oe-ji is the only one of the three scripts which is specific to Hō-ló-oē, but I don't think that negates my main point. -- Tim Starling 15:46, 8 Aug 2004 (UTC)
You seem to believe that when Ho-lo-oe (= Min Nan) is written down in Han (= Chinese) characters, it becomes the same language as Mandarin. No. That is one of the big myths of 'the Chinese language'. 'Hō-ló-oē speakers contribute to zh:, using traditional Han characters': To give an extreme but not inappropriate example, Italian speakers may contribute to es.wikipedia.org as well, but that is because they have first learned to write in Spanish, not because Spanish is the same language as Italian. This is discussed extensively in DeFrancis's books (referenced in en:Chinese language), and as I said before, I do not like fighting battles-already-won. (I certainly do not have time to write a 'detailed response' every few months to educate another person who has not read DeFrancis; nor do I feel it fair for me to defend against another's ignorance.) ¶ It is impossible for a Min Nan speaker to read aloud zh.wikipedia.org in Min Nan without doing a mental translation (and this is a non-trivial process in the brain, not simply transliteration). zh is not in Min Nan at all. -- Kaihsu 16:04, 8 Aug 2004 (UTC)
I can testify on this too. Whether Min Nan/Holo is a dialect of one single Chinese language or a language which belongs to the Chinese language family, the Chinese characters --- simplified or traditional --- are never its orthographies, because a large part of lexicon of Min Nan can't find their representation in Chinese characters (actually in the history, Chinese characters was originally designed to present classical texts in the specific middle region of China, not the vernacular tongues; it was only during the long river of history that it had been spread out to be used by local people in the provinces, who had also their own linguistic origins, even not similar to the Han language.) Min Nan can't be 100% represented by Chinese characters, but alphabetic symbols can do this easily, and there are now several Min Nan spelling projects --- I think the POJ users here know them far more that I do; it's never ideal to write Min Nan in Chinese characters. And one more thing: although a large part of Taiwanese people both speak Min Nan and use Chinese characters, but its just a multi-lingual phenomenon. In fact, when Taiwanese people use the Chinese characters, mostly the language in their mind is Mandarin, not Min Nan. Taiwanese people are mostly bi-lingual or tri-lingual speakers, we have at least three choices: Mandarin, Min Nan/Holo, and Hakka, and a dozen of aboriginal languages. It's wrong to assume that "Hō-ló-oē speakers contribute to zh:, using traditional Han characters" as an full explanation of the situation. When peoploe contribute to zh, they think and write in Mandarin and Han characters, not Hō-ló-oē; if people really want to write in Hō-ló-oē, they come to Wikipedia of Hō-ló-oē, because here is the only door to the authentic Min Nan writing, nowhere else can boast the same function as such --- only if new wikipedias in different orthographyies of Min Nan emerge in the future, but none now. Therefore, POJ is now the only representation of Min Nan language in Wikipedia, and I haven't seen the necessity to exploit this identification from it now.
I'd like to pose another example: think about the relation between Spanish (Castilian) and Galician. The latter has more in common with Portugese that with Castilian, but it has also an orthography influenced by official Spanish. Now if the Galician people want to have their own wikipedia, using Spanish orthography, should we change the name of their version to "Galician in Spanish orthography" or simply "Galician"? Why can't they just call them own version with the name of their own language ("Galego" I believe), if there's not another Galician version? Since now POJ version is the only version of Hō-ló-oē, it deserves the namesake of "Hō-ló-oē Wikipedia." If some people start a wikipedia with "PSDB" orthography or "Tongyong" orthography to write Hō-ló-oē, then the issue revives. "zh.wikipedia.org" has even nothing to do with this issue.
I'm a registered user in "zh.wikipedia.org", here's my page, any comments are appreciated. zh:User_talk:MilchFlasche-- 06:29, 9 Aug 2004 (UTC)
There's also now some discussion here: zh:Wikipedia:互助客栈#minnan.wikipedia.org. I haven't learnt Poe-oe-ji, but I hope to listen to people who really know it well, and maybe some of you could discuss with friends from Mainland, to help them get the situation. Both Mandarin and English are welcome. Thank you.:) ~by zh:User_talk:MilchFlasche -- 08:29, 9 Aug 2004 (UTC)
- I'll stick to Tim's request -- Disagree. The following is my comment: minnan wiki user Limkianhui left a very intriguing post in zh wiki zh:Wikipedia:互助客栈#minnan.wikipedia.org. From his post, I learned that the contributors of minnan wiki aren't all from Taiwan. Also from his post, he stated that almost 98% of the "pronunciations" of "Min nan" dialects used in Taiwan and in Chuang/Tsang/Xia(泉州/漳州/廈門 -- so-called Min-nan area), are identical. Limkianhui himself lives in Min-nan area.
It is true that minnan wiki was started by Taiwanese using that Peh-oe-ji (invented by dutch ministers hundreds of years ago), but the minnan wiki AND Peh-oe-ji do attract people from different places including mainland China to help promote this specific sect of Chinese language(s). So, Shizhoa's original email post[2], which stated that "minnan.wikipedia.org is Taiwanese(linguistics)(Hō-ló-oē)", already lost its ground.
If, the reason of this "change" is for the saving of computer resources, then minnan wiki shouldn't even exist at the first place. (Are we having sub-domain names for all the dialects from China, India and others?) If it's not, then, why the name change?--- Djyang from zh and en wiki

Thanks for your comments everyone, and sorry for wasting your time. It seems pretty clear that all the interested parties think it should stay as it is. While I'm here, maybe I should ask what your preferred domain name would be:

  1. zh-min-nan
  2. minnan
  3. min-nan
  4. something else?

-- Tim Starling 00:02, 10 Aug 2004 (UTC)

Well, it wasn't a waste of time for me, really. As for the language code, last time it was discussed the preference was for zh-min-nan. I believe that hasn't changed. (Hope the hyphen thingie won't screw up Wikipedia's tag scheme.) Thanks. A-giâu 04:07, 10 Aug 2004 (UTC)
zh-min-nan please. Please also help to fix the inter-language link to the zh-min-nan wikipedia. Thanks. Pektiong 04:12, 10 Aug 2004 (UTC)
Could you guys show me where to find your last discussion about the code? I'm quite curious about why you chose "zh-min-nan" instead of "minnan". :)zh:User_talk:MilchFlasche-- 18:43, 10 Aug 2004 (UTC)
Basically, because the RFC 3066 language-tag of the language is zh-min-nan. Pektiong 19:32, 10 Aug 2004 (UTC)
... which is an extension of ISO 639, which in turn Wikipedia tries use by default. See also RFC 3066 Language code assignments -- Kaihsu 19:33, 10 Aug 2004 (UTC)

zh-min-nan[kái goân-sí-bé]

Taⁿ chām-miâ pìⁿ zh-min-nan, m̄-koh iáⁿ-siòng, CSS téng-téng ê ūi-tī ū têng-tâⁿ. A-giâu 03:22, 5 Sep 2004 (UTC)

Taⁿ, pháng--kìⁿ ê iáⁿ-siōng ū hoat thang chhōe tńg--lâi--bô ? --limkianhui 05:23, 5 Sep 2004 (UTC)
Èng-kai ū hoat-to·. A-giâu 05:34, 5 Sep 2004 (UTC)

būn-tê beh chhéng-kàu[kái goân-sí-bé]

ū 1-ê būn-tê beh chhéng-kàu kok-ūi, sī án-chóaⁿ tiàm kî-thaⁿ ê wiki pán-pún lāi-tē, cheng-ka " minnan " ê gí-giân liân-kiat ê sî-chūn, ē ti̍t-chiap hián-sī tī pán-bīn siōng ?? Kám bô lâng hóan-èng chit-ê būn-tê ? Sī gōa bōe-hiáu thang chhú-lí, a̍h-sī ū kî-thaⁿ ê goan-in ? Kám-siā kok-ui ! limkianhui

Lim--sian, m-si li chhau-chhok u teng-tann. Chin-cheng i-keng u hiong Wikipedia e ki-sut jin-oan hoan-eng kui-na-pai, kho-sioh in kha-chhiu chin so, kau-tann iau-boe khi chhu-li. Goa siong-sin cha-ban e tit-tioh kai-koat. A-giâu 19:45, 16 Aug 2004 (UTC)
Gôan-lâi sī án-ne. liáu-kái, liáu-kái. hià-ê ki-su̍t jîn-ôan ū-iáⁿ ū khah gâu sô--tām-po̍h ! limkianhui00:22, 17 Aug 2004 (UTC)
Si̍t-chāi kóng, in hū-chek ê tāi-chì chiâⁿ chē, goá goān-ì tán 2 goe̍h-ji̍t. A-giâu 20:02, 19 Aug 2004 (UTC)

Bug 115: Interwiki link to minnan not working[kái goân-sí-bé]

Lán khó-lêng su-iàu thê-kiong gí-giân ê Native Name. Pektiong 16:47, 19 Aug 2004 (UTC)

Hi-bāng lín ē-tàng chin-kìn to̍h kah in chhú-tit liân-hē, chiok lín sêng-kong. Limkianhui 01:43, 20 Aug 2004 (UTC)

zh-min-nan.wiktionary.org[kái goân-sí-bé]

Ta̍k-ke tùi sin-chhéng zh-min-nan.wiktionary.org (Bân-lâm-gú ê sû-tiám/jī-tiám) ū siā-mi̍h khoàⁿ-hoat? Pektiong 18:24, 19 Aug 2004 (UTC)

Nā ē-tàng hō· khah chē lâng ū khong-kan hoat-hui, èng-kai sī hó-sū. Goá koh-jîn khah hèng siá Wikipedia :) A-giâu 19:25, 19 Aug 2004 (UTC)

thám-thó Beh án-chóaⁿ khip-ín lâng lâi "minnan" pán chit-ê ōe-tê[kái goân-sí-bé]

Lán Bân-lam-gí pán ê iōng-chiá siuⁿ kòe thâu chió, sǹg-sǹg--leh bô kúi ê, che tùi lán chit-ê pán-pún lâi kóng, hui-siông put-lī. Gōa kám-kak chit-chūn lán ài kóaⁿ-kín siūⁿ pān-hoat niú-chóan chit-ê put-lī ê sè-bīn, nā-bô…… thong-kòe chit-tōaⁿ sî-kan ê koan-chhat, sui-jiân lán ke-chió lóng-ū hiòng gōa-khàu chò soan-thôan, jia̍t-chêng teh kā lâng kài-siāu kah thui-siau chit-ê pán-pún, put-jī-kò lâi ê lâng ôan-á bô bêng-hián cheng-ka, si̍t-chāi ta̍t-tit lán kiōng-tông lâi su-khó. Gōa kóng 1-kóa-á kò-jîn ê khòaⁿ-hoat, sūn-sòa kā ta̍k-ê thê 1-kóa-á kiàn-gī. Gōa hoat-hiàn gōa-kháu ê lâng chin-chió ka-ji̍p chit-ê siā-khu goan-in chú-iàu sī : 1.lán ê soan-thôan iau-koh chin bô-kàu, chin-chōe lâng lóng m̄ chai-iáⁿ ū chit-ê bāng-chām. 2.lán sú-iōng Pe̍h-ōe-jī chò bûn-jī hē-thóng. Pe̍h-ōe-jī (POJ) sui-jiân le̍k-sú kú-tn̂g, ē-tàng pí Hàn-jī koh-khah iông-ī thè-hiān chhùi-kóng--ê kah chhiú-siá--ê siong tùi-èng ê koan-hē. m̄-koh, būn-tē tú-tú-hó mā-sī chhut tī chia, kah Hàn-jī ê sú-iōng lâng-só· sio-pí, POJ bêng-hiàn khiàm-khoat kûn-chiòng ki-chhó·. chià-ê chin-chió a̍h-sī m̄-bat sú-iōng kòe POJ ê jîn-kháu, ē-tàng kā pun-chò ē-kha kúi-chióng lâng :

(1). sui-jiân ē-hiáu kóng Bân-lâm-gí, m̄-koh kin-pún m̄-bat siá--kòe a̍h-sī khòaⁿ-kòe Bân-lâm gí-bûn (Hàn-jī, POJ a̍h-sī kî-thaⁿ ) ê lâng.

(2).bat khòaⁿ kòe Hàn-jī pán ê Bân-lâm gí-bûn a̍h-sī phèng-im bûn-jī ( m̄-nā POJ niā, mā pau-koat kî-thaⁿ--ê, pí-lūn kóng TLPA, Thong-iōng ), pēng-chhiáⁿ sió-khóa-á ē-hiáu siá.

(3).ki-pún ê-hiáu siá Bân-lâm-gí bûn-chiuⁿ, m̄-koh sī iōng Hàn-jī siá, chià-ê lâng hōan-sè chiām-sî tùi phèng-im bûn-jī bô jīn-tông he̍k-chiá ū gō·-hōe tī-leh.

(4).ē-hiáu iōng Hàn-jī siá, khak kòan-sì tha̍k Hàn-jī siá ê bûn-chiuⁿ. POJ tùi in lâi kóng khah chheⁿ-hūn.

(5).ē-hiáu iōng Hàn-jī siá a̍h-sī kî-tiong ê 1-chióng phèng-im bûn-jī siá. put-jī-kò in bô-ài iōng POJ, in hōan-sè khòaⁿ POJ bô-kàu-tāng.

Góa jīn-ûi lán beh kái-koat iōng-chiá lâng-só· chió chit-ê būn-tê, ài ùi chit-kúi-ê hong-bīn lâi lo̍k-si̍t :

1.in-ūi chin chōe lâng tùi POJ bô-siáⁿ liáu-kài a̍h-sī khah bô kòan-sī sú-iōng, só·-í, góa kiàn-gī chiām-sî khui 1-ê choan-mn̂g iōng Hàn-jī kài-siāu jû-hô thok-siá POJ ê bāng-ia̍h. Án-ne to̍h ē-tàng ūi sin iōng-chiá chhòng-chō 1-ê chin kín se̍k-sāi POJ ê ki-hōe, cheng-ka in chham-ú ê sìn-sim ka hèng-chhù. In-ūi chin chōe lâng kî-si̍t mā-sī siūⁿ beh chham-ú, chí-sī in tùi ka-tī ê POJ chúi-pêng bô sìn-sim, chí-hó hòng-khì.

2.Ka-tāi soan-thôan, chôan hong-ūi chò thui-siau, sì-kè khì kâng pò, pau-koat tī kî-thaⁿ gí-giân ê wikipedia chò soan-thôan, iu-kî sī Hôa-gî pán, Ji̍t-gí pán kah 1-kóa-á sio̍k-î Tang-lâm-a gí-giân ê pán-pún, in-ūi tī hia ū chin chōe Hok-kiàn-lâng kah Tâi-ôan-lâng. Lēng-gōa koh ài tī kî-thaⁿ ê bāng-chām chò soan-thôan.--limkianhui 17:55, 25 Aug 2004 (UTC)

Chiâⁿ hó ê kiàn-gī, kám-siā. Lán chit-tah sêng-li̍p 3 goe̍h-ji̍t, m̄-koh sêng-chek iáu sǹg bē-bái. Khó-sioh ū-ê pêng-iú siūⁿ beh lâi siá, khiok-sī tùi phah-jī bô se̍k-chhiú, sīm-chí tùi tiàm bāng-lō· pian-chi̍p ê hêng-sek bô kóng kài liáu-kái. Che sī chin khó-sioh ê tāi-chì, tiāⁿ-tio̍h siūⁿ pān-hoat lâi khek-hok. Soan-thoân hong-bīn, bo̍k-chêng chin iú-hān: bô tùi-goā hoat sin-bûn-kò a̍h-sī chèng-sek iau-chhiáⁿ. Che khak-si̍t tio̍h lâi ka-kiông. A-giâu 20:24, 25 Aug 2004 (UTC)
Goá pó·-chhiong--chi̍t-ē: Cymru-gí ê lâng kóng in tâⁿ-á khai-sí kan-na ū 2-ūi kò·-tēng ê pian-chi̍p-chiá. Taⁿ 1-nî liáu-kái, ū 5 ê. In chit-má ū >2500 phiⁿ (phín-chit mài kóng)! cy: A-giâu 04:06, 26 Aug 2004 (UTC)

Khái-sū kóng[kái goân-sí-bé]

Góa kám-kak sī ta̍uh-ta̍uh-á lâi. Nā-sī beh khah kín, góa ū lo̍k-koan ê khòaⁿ-hoat:

  1. Tâi-ôan chèng-hú ū teh khai-sí chi-chhî Pe̍h-ōe-jī, siōng-hó sī ū chi-chhî Pe̍h-ōe-jī ê tiān-náu chhú-lí.
  2. Tâi-ôan chit-má ha̍k-hāu ū teh kà gín-ná Bân-lâm-gú kap Pe̍h-ōe-jī.

Che sī ū chèng-hú chi-chhî ê hó-chhù. Koh ài ka-kiông ê sī:

  1. Tâi-ôan ê Kok-li̍p Pian-e̍k Kóan, Kok-ka Tâi-ôan Bûn-ha̍k Kóan, kap Bûn-hòa Kián-sia̍t Úi-ôan-hōe êng-kai ài iōng Tâi-ôan-lâng la̍p ê sòe-kim lâi tàu siá chū-iû ê Wikipedia. http://www.cca.gov.tw/cforum/culture_meeting5/index_1.htm ?
  2. Hok-kiàn (Séng Jîn-bîn Chèng-hú), Sin-ka-pho (kok-ka chèng-hú) mā ài chhut chîⁿ chhut la̍t tàu-saⁿ-kang! (Hui-li̍p-pin?!)

-- Kaihsu 22:48, 25 Aug 2004 (UTC)

Pak-Tāi Tiong-bûn Lūn-tôaⁿ[kái goân-sí-bé]

Hó siau-si̍t !! Hó-khang--ê pò lin chai !! Chit-mái tī Tiong-kok ê Pak-Tāi Tiong-bûn Lūn-tôaⁿ [[3]], ē-tàng iōng IE ti̍t-chiap khòaⁿ-tio̍h ôan-chéng ê Pe̍h-ōe-jī. Che sī in-ūi tī XP chok-gia̍p hē-thóng chi-hā, chit-ê lūn-tôaⁿ ē-tàng chi-chhî Lucida Sans Unicode ê jī-thé. --limkianhui 18:01, 30 Aug 2004 (UTC)

To-siā! -- Kaihsu 18:18, 30 Aug 2004 (UTC)

Kái-chìn "tōa tê-bo̍k"?[kái goân-sí-bé]

Thâu-ia̍h ê "tōa tê-bo̍k" ("Àn-chiàu tōa tê-bo̍k se̍h Wikipedia"), goá kám-kak ū su-iàu kái-chìn. In khah chē bô bûn-chiuⁿ ê hêng-iáⁿ, ke̍k-ke sī lia̍t-toaⁿ, m̄-koh piau-tê koh bô kóng sī lia̍t-toaⁿ. Goá kám-kak Holopedia èng-kai thê-kiong khah hó ê hoān-lē. A-giâu 17:25, 31 Aug 2004 (UTC)

Sorry about the long delay. In case you haven't noticed, this wiki has now moved to zh-min-nan.wikipedia.org, with a redirect from the previous two domains. Interlanguage links to this wiki are now working, see for example en:Min Nan. I changed the language name which appears in the side bar from "閩南語" to "Bân-lâm-gú". Please let me know if that was appropriate, or if there is any better name to use. -- Tim Starling 04:45, 5 Sep 2004 (UTC)

I notice images and stylesheets are no longer found. Any chance you can fix this problem while you're at it? I'd appreciate it. A-giâu 05:32, 5 Sep 2004 (UTC)
Sorry about that, there was a problem with the uploaded images. Should be fixed now, although watch out for caching problems. I'm not sure about the stylesheets, they seem to be working for me. Is the problem still occurring? -- Tim Starling 07:46, 5 Sep 2004 (UTC)
The images are back, thanks. Typography definitely looks different now at my end, generally for the worse -- compare this earlier snapshot and the the current version.
(Translation/Hoan-e̍k: iáⁿ-siòng í-keng ū ah, ló·-la̍t. Goá chia khoàⁿ-tio̍h ê jī-hêng khak-si̍t kah í-chêng--ê bô siâng, it-poaⁿ lâi kóng khah pháiⁿ-khoàⁿ-siūⁿ -- pí-kàu éng-koè hip ê siòng kap hiān-chú-sî ê pán-pún.) A-giâu 15:41, 5 Sep 2004 (UTC)

Browser & zh-min-nan[kái goân-sí-bé]

I am guessing that Mozilla took the header <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="zh-min-nan" lang="zh-min-nan" dir="ltr"> to mean that the page/document is a "Chinese" document thus Han character typography is applied, with horrible consequences for Latin typography. See a typographic outcry. -- Kaihsu 15:54, 5 Sep 2004 (UTC)

Hmm...interesting. Tweak the stylesheet perhaps? A-giâu 16:01, 5 Sep 2004 (UTC)
Go ahead. I would be pleased if there is a non-proprietary solution. -- Kaihsu 17:30, 5 Sep 2004 (UTC)
Chhiáⁿ ta̍k-ke khoàⁿ chit ê thó-lūn: MediaWiki_talk:Monobook.css. A-giâu 19:44, 6 Sep 2004 (UTC)
Ē-sái iau-kiû Mozilla cheng-ka "zh-min-nan" ê jī-hêng siat-tēng. A-giâu 19:45, 7 Sep 2004 (UTC)
I have submitted a Mozilla bug report: http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=258599 . Feel free to vote for it. -- Tim Starling 13:45, 9 Sep 2004 (UTC)

Hoat-hiān chha-chhò[kái goân-sí-bé]

Hoat-hiān 1-ê chiâⁿ giâm-tiōng ê chha-chhò. góa tī Eng-bûn pán ê " Dengue fever " chit-phiⁿ bûn-chiuⁿ tang-tiong ke gí-giân liân-kiat " zh-min-nan:Thian-káu-jia̍t " liáu-āu, siūⁿ-bōe-kàu liân-kiat ê lōe-iông soah lâi piàn-sêng " Thian-káu-jiaÌ " chit-ê chhò-gō· ê bāng-ia̍h. Chhiáⁿ kok-ūi koáⁿ-kín lâi kái-koat.--limkianhui 19:25, 5 Sep 2004 (UTC)

A-giau oe-hiau kai-koat. A-giau, kam thang chhiann li sia 1 e FAQ? Lim s-s., to-sia li sia chit-phinn! -- Kaihsu 19:39, 5 Sep 2004 (UTC)
A-giau ka i kai ho ah! To-sia A-giau! -- Kaihsu 19:43, 5 Sep 2004 (UTC)
Te 8 siann e tiau-ho, ai sia choe

chiah thang! -- Kaihsu 19:43, 5 Sep 2004 (UTC)

Chit ê būn-tê ū 1 ê chiām-sî-sèng ê chhú-lí hong-hoat. Lô-hoân lī-iōng Wikipedia:Gú-giân liân-kiat link koè--khì ê hit ê kang-khū. A-giâu 10:39, 6 Sep 2004 (UTC)
To-siā, to-siā!! Nā-bô chià-ê ke-si thâu-á, góa chin-chiàⁿ siá bô lō· .Limkianhui 23:35, 6 Sep 2004 (UTC)

ISO DIS 639-3 and RFC 3066bis[kái goân-sí-bé]

Nearly there:

It looks like this tongue will be 'nan' in ISO DIS 639-3 and 'zh-min-nan' will stick in RFC 3066bis. -- Kaihsu 22:11, 19 Sep 2004 (UTC)

zh hông hong-só?[kái goân-sí-bé]

Thiaⁿ-kóng Hôa-bûn-pán ê Wikipedia koh-chài hō· Pak-kiaⁿ tong-kio̍k hong-só. Kám ū lâng chai zh-min-nan kám ū siū éng-hióng? A-giâu 03:39, 24 Sep 2004 (UTC)

Chin-cheng lang ti Chiat-kang-seng siong-pan, tu-a-ho tu-tioh Tiong-kok cheng-hu teh hong-so Wikipedia' só·-u e pan-pun, sio-lian-soa kui-a-jit long bo hoat-tō· jip--lai, it-tit kau-kah to-tng-lai E-mng liau-au, siunn-kong bong lai ka chhi khoann-mai, bo-gi-gō· hong-so soah kai-tu ah... Limkianhui 17:37, 1 Oct 2004 (UTC)

Tī 9/27 ū tha̍k tio̍h siau-sit, kóng í-keng kái-tû ah.... A-giâu 03:30, 2 Oct 2004 (UTC)

Ē-tàng iōng Commons ê iáⁿ-siòng[kái goân-sí-bé]

Wikipedia Commons ū chin chē tiuⁿ iáⁿ-siòng, ē-sái ti̍t-chiap tī chia iōng. Khó-pí kóng:

A-giâu 03:38, 1 Nov 2004 (UTC)

Iáⁿ-siòng-ia̍h ū 1 chōa: "This file is a shared upload and may be used by other projects" ("Che sī kong-ke chiūⁿ-bāng ê tóng-àn, pa̍t ê sū-kang/kè-oē hoān-sè mā ē iōng"). A-giâu 03:43, 1 Nov 2004 (UTC)

Translation of the week[kái goân-sí-bé]

Currently we have started a project on meta.wikipedia to get an article translated in as many wikipedias as possible every week. The article will be about a subject that usually gets rarely translated and has a lot of links to other subjects. Currently we have no-one to translate in your language. If someone is interested to participate please see: meta:Translation of the week You can also submit articles from your own languages there that you think deserve translation, but have a small chance of it. The articles must not be to short and not to long and have lots of links to possible other articles! en:user:Waerth

Thanks for the notice and inviation! A-giâu 17:44, 5 Nov 2004 (UTC)

Kám ū ka-nn̂g ê sú-iōng soeh-bêng?[kái goân-sí-bé]

Chin pháiⁿ-sè! Bô khak-tēng tī chia mn̄g būn-tê kám tio̍h. Nā sī lâi m̄-tio̍h só·-chāi, chhiáⁿ kā góa kóng.

Góa tú lâi chia bô gōa kú, tùi Wikipedia ê sú-iōng kap pian-chi̍p lóng bô kài liáu-kái. Pí-lūn-kóng, ū sî-chūn góa ē siūⁿ-beh tah tô·-phìⁿ, hō· soeh-bêng koh khah ôan-chéng, m̄-koh m̄-chai Wikipedia kám ū thê-kiong bāng-lō· ê khong-kan hō· sú-iōng-chiá hē tô·-phìⁿ, iah-chiah sī góa tio̍h ài kā tô·-phìⁿ hē tī kî-thaⁿ ê só·-chāi chiah koh liân-kiat--kòe-lâi.

Koh ū 1 hāng tō sī Wikipedia lāi-té ê pian-chip gí-hoat, kán-ná kap HTML bô sio-siâng, che kám ū sím-mi̍h chu-liāu thang hó chham-khó?



Bô hut m̄-tio̍h só·-chāi lah. Taⁿ...ka-nn̂g ê soat-bêng sī iá bô. Chóng--sī ē-sái seng khoàⁿ Help:Pian-chi̍p, hia mā ū liân khì Tiong-bûn, Eng-bûn pán ê soat-bêng. Wikipedia ê wiki gí-hoat chiâⁿ kán-tán, bong bong leh tiāⁿ-tio̍h ē se̍k-chhiú.
Ah iáⁿ-siòng chhi̍h "Kā tóng-àn (sàng) chiūⁿ-bāng" tō ē-iōng-tit khai-sí upload, m̄-koh ài sè-jī m̄-mó· kā ū pán-koân ê tô· upload--khí-lih, án-ne ē ûi-hoán Wikipedia ê kui-tēng. Che mā su-iàu lēng-gōa 1 phiⁿ soeh hō· lâng chai. A-giâu 10:32, 25 Nov 2004 (UTC)

Internet án-choáⁿ hoan-e̍k khah hó?[kái goân-sí-bé]

Chioh mn̄g: Internet án-choáⁿ hoan-e̍k khah hó? Góa ū beh khu-pia̍t Internet, internet, intranet, WWW, computer network (tiān-náu bāng-lō·), network chiah-ê kài-liām. A-giâu 03:44, 26 Nov 2004 (UTC)

WWW->bāng-bāng-bāng, intranet->lāi-pō· bāng-lō· Pektiong 06:21, 26 Nov 2004 (UTC)
WWW->Góa-Góa-Góa? A-giâu 21:18, 26 Nov 2004 (UTC)

Kū ê thó-lūn ē bô tēng-kî soá khì chit ia̍h ē-kha ê ia̍h (subpage), chiām-sî hō·-chò "chhng-khò·". Góa kiàn-gī nā-sī ū kè-ta̍t ê gī-tê, ē-sái tùi siong-koan ê ia̍h liân khì hia. A-giâu 00:16, 12 1g 2005 (UTC)

Delete Request[kái goân-sí-bé]

Please delete the category of Category:Koh-ka, since this is a typo of Category:Kok-ka. Many thanks. --Wdshu 14:19, 9 1g 2005 (UTC)

It's still red so we can ignore it and eventually the cached page with "hi-lia̍p" will be cleared. (Hit ia̍h iû-goân sī âng-sek--ê, só·-í ē-sái mài chhap--i, chá-bān cache ê ia̍h (siá "hi-lia̍p") ē ka-kī piàⁿ-tiāu.) A-giâu 00:56, 10 1g 2005 (UTC)

International Writing Contest[kái goân-sí-bé]

Hello everybody,

In Berlin at Dezember 2004 there was the critique that there is not enough connection in the work of all the different Wikipedias in their different languages. I think, that an internationally linked writing contest should be one possible chance to cooperate and work together. At March 1st there will be the start of the second writing contest in the german Wikipedia so I thought, we can start it as an international project. There had bee contests in the Wikipedia of the Netherlands nl:Wikipedia:Schrijfwedstrijd, the german Wikipedia de:Wikipedia:Schreibwettbewerb and the english one en:Wikipedia:Danny's contest and as far as I could see it, it worked really good.

I hope you will join the Contest, please visit meta:International writing contest to find out more. -- 09:10, 11 1g 2005 (UTC) (Achim Raschka aka Necrophorus)

Thanks for the notice! A-giâu 00:02, 12 1g 2005 (UTC)

Another Delete Request[kái goân-sí-bé]

I made a wrong category again. Please delete Category:Kok-kok ê jin-bu̍t. Thanks. --Wdshu 19:39, 11 1g 2005 (UTC)

Sure. A-giâu 00:02, 12 1g 2005 (UTC)

Chhiáⁿ khì Bugzilla tâu-phiò (#1260)[kái goân-sí-bé]

Chòe-kīn lán ê sú-iōng kài-bīn siáu-siáu. Tho̍k-chiá nā bô teng-ji̍p, tō khoàⁿ bē-tio̍h Hō-ló-oē ê kài-bīn. M-koh pa̍t-khoán gí-giân bô chit ê būn-tê. Chhiáⁿ teng-chhut, liáu-āu pí-kàu Mozilla Firefox, vi:Mozilla Firefox, ku:Mozilla Firefox. Lán èng-kai kó·-lē WikiMedia ê ki-su̍t gī-kang chek-ke̍k chhú-lí chit ê būn-tê.

Lí nā ū tông-ì, chhiáⁿ khì Bug 1260 tâu-phiò (vote). Che sī Eng-bûn--ê, su-iàu chù-chheh chiah ē-tàng tâu-phiò. 5 hun-cheng tō OK. Kám-siā!

A-giâu 08:38, 17 1g 2005 (UTC)

Pó· 1 kù: Teng-chhut liáu-āu iá-sī ū khó-lêng khoàⁿ-tio̍h Hō-ló-oē ê kài-bīn (sīm-chí chhin-chhiūⁿ iáu tī teng-ji̍p chōng-hóng). Chóng--sī, sî-kan chi̍t-ē kú, tiāⁿ-tio̍h ē pìⁿ Eng-bûn ê kài-bīn. Nā-sī chêng-kah-taⁿ lóng m̄-bat chù-chheh, teng-ji̍p ê lâng, tō lóng khoàⁿ tio̍h Eng-bûn ê kài-bīn. Bē-thong lah! 08:51, 17 1g 2005 (UTC)

Chit ê būn-tê chhin-chhiūⁿ kái-koat ah?! Chán!! 12:42, 20 1g 2005 (UTC)

Delete Request[kái goân-sí-bé]

Please delete Category:Tâi-ôan tē-lí, which is a typo. I've built another correct category already. Kám-siā! --Wdshu 23:43, 17 1g 2005 (UTC)

Che tāi-khài m̄ sī "jī-gō·" (typo), in-ūi bo̍k-chêng siaⁿ-tiāu hû-hō án-choáⁿ phiat (im án-choáⁿ "kòa") khah hó iáu bô 1 ê kiōng-sek. Chóng--sī, lán ū 2 ê, tō kā chit ê thâi tiáu. A-giâu 08:42, 18 1g 2005 (UTC)

Ta̍k8-ê lâi hoan-e̍k[kái goân-sí-bé]

be2 oh4 pe7 oei7 ji7 , tui2 pak8 kia(N)7 gi2 e5 tiong7 bun5 tian3 nau2 phah4 ji7 lai5 oh4 khi2 e5 kha2 kin2 , u7 heng2 chhu3 e5 lang5 long2 lai5 ka7 pak8 kia(N)7 gi2 iu2 koan cheng5 jin5 soo2 sia2 tioh4 iu2 ek8 tai5 oan5 bun5 hoa3 e5 bun5 , long2 kha7 hoan7 ek8 chhut4 tai5 bun5 , an ne lan2 e5 tai5 bun5 chia(N)2 e5 kha2 kin2 kian2 lip8 tai5 bun5 too5 su7 koan2 . u7 sim e5 lang5 chhia(N) chham7 kho2 : http://input.cpatch.org/input/dasn/book/ http://stud.cjshs.tn.edu.tw/~t003/

chit4 e5 kian2 gi7 : tai5 bun5 im7 tiau e5 tang2 eng7 12345678 piau2 si7 , chiam3 si5 ma7 si3 be3 bai2 , choan5 se2 kai3 long2 e5 thong !

Sit-lé--lah, taⁿ lâi sió-khóa-á kā téng-bīn ê lâu-ōe siu-ké--chi̍t-ē, an-ne lâng khòaⁿ khah ū--li̍h...

Beh o̍h Pe̍h-ōe-jī , tùi Pak-kiaⁿ-gí ê Tiong-bûn tiān-náu phah-jī lâi o̍h khí ē khah kín, ū hèng-chhù ê lâng lóng lâi kā Pak-kiaⁿ-gí iú-koan chêng-jîn só·-siá--tio̍h iú-ek Tâi-ôan bûn-hòa ê bûn, lóng kā hoan-e̍k chhut Tâi-bûn, an-ne lán ê Tâi-bûn chiah-ē khah kín kiàn-li̍p Tâi-bûn tô·-su-kóan. Ū-sim ê lâng chhiáⁿ chham-khó : http://input.cpatch.org/input/dasn/book/ http://stud.cjshs.tn.edu.tw/~t003/

Chi̍t-ê kiàn-gī : Tâi-bûn im-tiāu ē-tàng ēng "1234578" piau-sī , chiàm-sî mā sī bē-bái, chôan sè-kài lóng ē-thong !

Kiong-hí lán-ê tiâu-ba̍k phòa 600[kái goân-sí-bé]

This is BIG deal. Congratulation to everybody. Go!!! Go!!! Go!!! --Wdshu 04:51, 23 1g 2005 (UTC)

Che ài te̍k-pia̍t kám-siā User:Albert chiâⁿ mî-nōa siá (kui-ê Wikipedia khó-lêng bô hiah hong-hù ê gê-i-ha̍k bûn-chiuⁿ). Tong-jiân bûn-chiuⁿ tiâu-ba̍k beh chē chin kán-tan, phín-chit beh hó tō khah hùi-khì. Góa siong-sìn nā ū ta̍k-ke hō·-siong ha̍k-si̍p, phoe-phêng chí-kàu, tiāⁿ-tio̍h ū hó ê sêng-kó chhut-lâi. A-giâu 16:45, 23 1g 2005 (UTC)

Chin-chán ê bûn-chiuⁿ[kái goân-sí-bé]

Soá-kòe--khì Wikipedia talk:Thê-miâ Chin-chán ê bûn-chiuⁿ, chhiáⁿ chò-tīn kòe-khì hia thó-lūn.

Wiktionary tiû-pī hōe-gī: chhiáⁿ chham-ka[kái goân-sí-bé]

Wiktionary sī Wikipedia ê hiaⁿ-tī/chí-bē. Wikipedia sī pah-kho-choân-su; Wiktionary sī sû-tián, jī-tián, tùi-chiàu-tián/hoan-e̍k-tián, hun-lūi sû-tián, téng-téng. A-giâu 11:25, 7 2g 2005 (UTC)

Keng-sin Template:Sinbunchiunn ê phiat-pō·[kái goân-sí-bé]

Iōng che keng-sin khah iâⁿ chò gōng kang. A-giâu 18:33, 14 2g 2005 (UTC)

Cha-hng sit-tiān[kái goân-sí-bé]

Cha-hng Wikimedia sú-iōng ê tiān-náu tiong-sim thêng-tiān, kî-tiong 1-ê chu-liāu-khò· nōa--khì, lēng-gōa hit ê goân-chāi. Têng koh copy 170 GB tio̍h bú pòaⁿ kang.... A-giâu 04:30, 23 2g 2005 (UTC)

Chhiáⁿ tàu-saⁿ-kāng lok interwiki (gí-chè liân-kiat)[kái goân-sí-bé]

Chhiáⁿ kā Special:Newpages ê sin bûn-chiuⁿ tùi gōa-gí khan tńg lâi chia. Ló·-la̍t! A-giâu 19:40, 6 3g 2005 (UTC)

Kū Holopedia.net ê bûn-chiuⁿ beh án-choáⁿ chhú-lí?[kái goân-sí-bé]

Soá-kòe--khì Wikipedia talk:Poaⁿ-chhù, chhiáⁿ chò-tīn kòe-khì hia thó-lūn.

Pò-chóa ū choán-chài[kái goân-sí-bé]

Hoat-kak pò-chóa téng-bīn ū choán-chài lán chia ê 1 phiⁿ "Gú-giân-lia̍t-sū-ji̍t" [4]. Ū chù-bêng chhut-chhù sī Wikipedia, khó-sioh bô lâu bāng-chí, mā bô GFDL ê pán-koân seng-bêng. Pò-chóa ê pán-bīn chin iú-hān, só·-í beh lok hia ê chu-liāu kán-ná mā bô kán-tan. Che m̄-chai án-choáⁿ chhú-lí khah hó? A-giâu 23:53, 21 3g 2005 (UTC)

Hùi-sîn A-giâu hiaⁿ iōng chhiú-kang phah-jī ê pān-hoat, kā pò-chóa ê gôan-bûn chhau lâi hē-tiàm chit-tah (a̍h-sī hē-tiàm "Àm-kong-chiáu ê chhù"), hō· ta̍k-ê lâi gī-lūn, án-ne kám hó?--limkianhui 00:49, 27 3g 2005 (UTC)
Pò-chóa ê sèng-chit kap pek-kho-choân-su chha ū 1 tè ah, góa kám-kak bô thò-tòng. Koh, mā ū pán-koân būn-tê. A-giâu 08:06, 27 3g 2005 (UTC)

A-giâu hiaⁿ kóng án-ne oân-á chiâⁿ chāi-lí lah, bô, lán mài chhau gôan-bûn, lán iōng Hō-ló-ōe kā hoan-e̍k--chhut-lâi. Sī-kóng án-ne m̄-chai ū khan-sia̍p tio̍h pán-kôan būn-tê--bô...--limkianhui 09:13, 27 3g 2005 (UTC)

Kok-ka tē-tô·[kái goân-sí-bé]

commons:Category:CIA factbook maps ê kok-ka tē-tô· pí commons::Category:PD CIA WF ke chin chiâu-chn̂g. Lóng-sī Eng-bûn--ê. í-āu ē-tàng kái (pí-kàu de:Bild:Kamerun.png, fr:Image:Carte-cameroun.png). A-giâu 15:20, 12 4g 2005 (UTC)

Audio template[kái goân-sí-bé]

Hi, I am making audio recordings of the pronunciation of words. Example; Media:Nl-be guy verhofstadt.ogg To include this in a good way in your wiki I need to know what your audio template is and how it works. When I know it i, and many others, can put it directly inside aticles on your wikipedia.

Can some one please put your audio template on this page;

Greetings, nl:gebruiker:Walter

M̄-chai án-ne ē-iōng-tit bô?

A-giâu 16:25, 13 4g 2005 (UTC)

Góa kā téng-koân lok ji̍p khì Meta hit ia̍h ("thiaⁿ" kái "hoat-im"). Nā ū beh siu-kái, chhiáⁿ ē-kì-tit kái hit ia̍h. A-giâu 17:20, 14 4g 2005 (UTC)
.ogg ài iōng siá-mí nńg-thé thiaⁿ? --Chùn-hiàn 17:42, 17 4g 2005 (UTC)
Khui 1 phiⁿ Help:Siaⁿ-im tóng-àn. Góa koh-jîn iōng "Quintessential Player". A-giâu 01:56, 18 4g 2005 (UTC)

Hō-ló tiám[kái goân-sí-bé]

  • Sia-mi̍h sî-kan khai-sí kái-iōng U+0358 chò Hō-ló-tiám khah-hó ? Pektiong 14:45, 1 5g 2005 (UTC)
    Būn-tê sī kám ū beh chhiâu CSS jī-hêng (kái iōng Taigi Unicode chit-ê jī-hêng)? Windows kah--ê jī-hêng bô hit tiám. Che tùi Gecko, Ope͘a, Netscape téng-téng ê liû-lám-khì lâi kóng m̄ sī būn-tê: chí-iàu ū an-chng "Taigi Unicode" tō ē-tàng tùi hia chioh hit tiám lâi tàu. Bô chhiâu tùi IE iōng-chiá khah pháiⁿ-sè. A-giâu 15:39, 1 5g 2005 (UTC)

Commons "Kin-ná-ji̍t ê Siòng"[kái goân-sí-bé]

Ū chhù-bī hoan-e̍k ê lâng chhiáⁿ khì commons:Commons:Picture of the day bóng hoan-e̍k. A-giâu 04:01, 7 5g 2005 (UTC)

Stewards election[kái goân-sí-bé]


The stewards election has started on m:Stewards/elections 2005. Anyone can vote provided that he has a valid account on meta with a link to at least one user page, on a project where the editor is a participant, with at least 3 months participation to the project. Stewards can give sysop right on projects where there are no local bureaucrate. Please vote ! Yann 15:19, 21 5g 2005 (UTC)

PS: Please translate this. Thanks. Yann 15:19, 21 5g 2005 (UTC)

Hoan-e̍k[kái goân-sí-bé]


Chóng-kàn-sū ê sóan-kí í-keng khai-sí--à. Lí nā-sī ū kui 1-e Meta ê kháu-chò kap siá hó-sè lí-ê siāu-kài-ia̍h, jī-chhiá chham-ka pian-chi̍p 3-go̍eh-ji̍t í-siāng, lí tioh thíⁿ-hó tâu-phiò.

Chóng-kàn-sū ē-sái tī bô chāi-tē koaⁿ-liâu ê só·-chāi, pan-chān hêng-chèng jîn-oân chhui-sak sū-kang. Kóaⁿ-kín lâi tâu-phiò--o·!--Chùn-hiàn 04:00, 22 5g 2005 (UTC)

Hoan-e̍k #2[kái goân-sí-bé]

(Tú-tú hoan-e̍k hó-sè, bô phah-sǹg Chùn-hiàn í-keng chhoân hó-sè ah. A-giâu 04:06, 22 5g 2005 (UTC) )


Steward soán-kí taⁿ í-keng khai-sí tī m:Stewards/elections 2005 chit ia̍h kí-pān. Chí-iàu tiàm Meta ū 1-ê ū-hāu ê hō·-thâu, koh ū liân-chiap 1-ia̍h a̍h-sī khah chē ê iōng-chiá kò-jîn-ia̍h (tī phian-chi̍p-chiá chham-ka ê sū-kang, siāng chió chhap 3 goe̍h-ji̍t), tō lóng ē-sái tâu-phiò. Ká-sú ū sū-kang bô koaⁿ-liâu--ê (Bureaucrat), Steward ū châi-tiāu sù hō· lâng sysop ê koân-lī. Chhiáⁿ khì tâu-phiò!

PS: Chhiáⁿ hoan-e̍k. To-siā.

Tâi-oân Wikipedia-lâng 2005 nî joa̍h--lâng ê chū-hōe[kái goân-sí-bé]

Tiû-pī-chhù: zh:Wikipedia talk:聚会/2005台北夏聚報告. A-giâu 16:29, 22 5g 2005 (UTC)

Mn̂g-kháu-tiâⁿ[kái goân-sí-bé]

"Thâu-ia̍h" kái kiò-chò "Mn̂g-kháu-tiâⁿ", kám-hó?--Albert 08:02, 27 5g 2005 (UTC)

Thâu-ia̍h hoan-e̍k Eng-bûn "homepage", Wikipedia "Main_page" chit-sû, ti̍t-hoan tō-sī "leading page" ê ì-sù. Google ū lia̍t chit-ê iōng-hoat [5], bô mn̂g-kháu-tiâⁿ. Khoàⁿ-tio̍h "thâu-ia̍h" tō chai sī 1-ê bāng-chām ê thâu 1 ia̍h. "Mn̂g-kháu-tiâⁿ" sī "frontyard" ê ì-sù, hām bāng-chām bô koan-hē, án-ne hoan-e̍k kám-kak ū phian-chha. A-giâu 13:30, 27 5g 2005 (UTC)
Goa si7 khoaN3-tioh kng-tang-oe e wikipedia ka7 mainpage hoan-ek cho "玄關", chiah u7 chit-e siuN-hoat, bong chham-kho. --Albert 21:20, 27 5g 2005 (UTC)
Kńg-tang-oē-pán ū chit khoán ap-le̍k (jû-hô hām Hiān-tāi-tiong-bûn-sek ê Kńg-tang-bûn khu-pia̍t?). A-giâu 05:01, 29 5g 2005 (UTC)
Albert kóng--ê kńg-tang-ōe wikipedia tī tó-ūi? Kám-sī Meta/玄關 kap Commons/玄關 kńg-tang-ōe ê thâu-ia̍h? Lēng-gōa chhéng-kàu tāi-ke, Meta kap Commons kám-beh khui zh-min-nan ê thâu-ia̍h? Commons:Kin-ná-ji̍t ê Siòng chit-ia̍h ū--ā, m̄-ko hoan-ek bô-chiâu-chn̂g. --Chùn-hiàn 13:55, 3 6g 2005 (UTC)
WikiCities. Meta, Commons chit 2 ūi só·-chāi chòe-kīn lóng hán-tit khì. Nā ū lâng beh chò, tong-jiân ē-sái-chit ah. A-giâu 17:21, 3 6g 2005 (UTC)

Hō-ló-ōe ê code[kái goân-sí-bé]

Che nn̄g-jít tī Meta kap kī-thaⁿ gí-giân ê Wikipedia, góa hoat-hiān Hō-ló-ōe ê code kān-nā ē-tàng iōng zh-min-nan:, nā-sī iōng minnan: ē piàn-chò âng-jī, sī án-chóaⁿ piàn án-ne? Chū-té nn̄g-hāng lóng ē-sái iōng. Khòaⁿ-ē-tio̍h ê pō·-hūn góa lóng kái--a, m̄-ko làu-kau--ê khó-lêng koh-kha-chē, án-chóaⁿ chhú-lí chiah-hó? --Chùn-hiàn 17:25, 23 6g 2005 (UTC)

Góa bô phah-sǹg ē kái chò 1-ê. Góa siūⁿ lán m̄-bián te̍k-pia̍t chhau-hoân minnan sit-hāu ê tāi-chì. Siong-sìn kî-thaⁿ ê Wiki-lâng khoàⁿ--tio̍h tiāⁿ-ē pang lán kái. Nā bô, chá-bān ū bot chhut-sûn, kàu sî-chūn "chū-jiân" ē kái it-tì. A-giâu 18:56, 23 6g 2005 (UTC)
Nā-sī án-ne góa tio̍h bián chhau-hôan. M̄-ko lēng-gōa 1-ê būn-tê, lán-ê thâu-ia̍h Wikipedia ê chí-mōe sū-kang ê pang-bô· lāi-té wikt:zh-min-nan:Thâu-ia̍h, b:zh-min-nan:, q:zh-min-nan: chia-ê gí-hoat kâng-khóan sit-hāu. --Chùn-hiàn 19:03, 24 6g 2005 (UTC)

ZH hit-pêng koan-hē Holopedia ê êng-á-oē[kái goân-sí-bé]

Ū êng bóng chham-khó. Bô-êng bián hùi-sîn.

A-giâu 19:01, 23 6g 2005 (UTC)

Lâng chia̍h bí-hún, i lé hoat sio. Tùi-hong hit-ê-lâng kú-tn̂g í-lâi tio̍h-ū chin-kiông ê Soa-bûn Chú-gī kap phian-kiàn, bô siūⁿ-beh chhap--i. --Chùn-hiàn 19:19, 24 6g 2005 (UTC)

Kám ū beh hoat 1000 phiⁿ ê sin-bûn-kó?[kái goân-sí-bé]

Ta̍k-ke hó, Holopedia tit-beh ū 1,000 phiⁿ bûn-chiuⁿ (pau-koah bûn-chiuⁿ phí). Taⁿ kám ū beh lī-iōng chit-ê ki-hōe tùi-gōa soan-thoan kiam soat-bêng chit-ê kè-oē? Góa jīn-ûi nā iáu bô beh chiam-tùi tōa mûi-thé hoat-kó, mā-sī ē-tàng khó-lū hiòng bó-gí-kài ê sió-hêng mûi-thé chò 1-ê soat-bêng. Ē-sái chham-khó lâng chhoân piān ê thui-kóng bûn-soan (pau-koah sin-bûn-kó. Ē-sái iōng hàn-jī siá bô iàu-kín.

Góa kò-jîn tùi che ū chhù-bī, m̄-koh khó-sioh 7-go̍eh-té chìn-chêng bô-hoat-tō· ū jōa chē sî-kan tàu bú :( A-giâu 20:33, 26 6g 2005 (UTC)

Góa mā kám-kak lán ài iōng 1,000 phiⁿ bûn-chiuⁿ chò soan-thôan. Góa 7 go̍eh té chìn-chêng mā bô-êng :( 05:24, 27 6g 2005 (UTC)
Góa mā chi-chhî án-ne chò. 1,000 phiⁿ tùi Holopedia lâi-kóng sī chin tiōng-iàu ê lō·-koan-pâi. 1,000 phiⁿ ê siau-sit thèng-hó tah-tiàm Wikimedia News liân-āu link kàu Holopedia ê sin-bûn-kó. Jo̍ah-lâng góa mā kāng-khóan bô-êng, Nā-bô lán che kúi-kang tio̍h kín-lâi piàⁿ-piàⁿ--le. --Chùn-hiàn 17:01, 27 6g 2005 (UTC)
Góa chit kúi-kang-á bô hoat-tō·. 8-goe̍h-chhe lah, ah siōng bān hi-bāng tī 8-goe̍h chhe 10 chêng oân-sêng, thèng-hó ē-hù 8/12 ê Sè-kài Tâi-gí-iâⁿ (khoàⁿ ē-kha "siau-sit koán-tō"). Ah nā ū lâng ū sî-kan, ū chhù-bī, chhiáⁿ bián sè-jī. A-giâu 19:21, 28 6g 2005 (UTC)
Hó! – Kaihsu 20:21, 27 6g 2005 (UTC)

Chit kúi-ji̍t-á hi-bāng ē-tàng khai-sí pian 1-hūn sin-bûn-kó kah 1 hūn chio lâng tàu-tīn ê soan-thoân bûn-kiāⁿ. A-giâu 11:05, 29 Chhit-goe̍h 2005 (UTC)

Chán, kam ū beh hō· ta̍k-ke sin phīⁿ-phang chi̍t-ê? Pektiong 11:18, 29 Chhit-goe̍h 2005 (UTC)
Àn-sǹg beh tiàm chia pian sîn-bûn-kó. Ah chiam-tùi "TG Sè-kài-iâⁿ" ê bûn-soan khó-lêng khì pa̍t-ūi phian-chi̍p khah thò-tòng (lí ê wiki kám hó chioh-iōng--chi̍t-ē?). A-giâu 11:34, 29 Chhit-goe̍h 2005 (UTC)

Hiòng Tâi-gú Sè-kài Bûn-hòa-iâⁿ kài-siāu Holopedia[kái goân-sí-bé]

Kiat-kó góa iōng 5 hun-cheng ê sî-kan kán-tan siāu-kài Wikipedia, ū kóng tio̍h Holopedia bo̍k-chêng ê sêng-kó, phian-chi̍p jîn-kháu, chhú-lí tē-miâ ê hoat-tō·, téng-téng. Tong-jiân mā ū ko·-chiâⁿ lâng kòe lâi chhì siá. Khó-sioh bô ki-hōe hiān-tiûⁿ chiūⁿ-bāng sī-hoān wiki hong-hoat hō· lâng khoàⁿ. A-giâu 02:10, 15 Peh-goe̍h 2005 (UTC)

Siau-sit koán-tō[kái goân-sí-bé]

Chhiáⁿ pó·-chhiong siu-kái:

  • Tâi-gú-bāng (e-mail tīn) + sū-jîn siā-kau bāng
  • Sè-kài Tâi-gí-iâⁿ (hōe-gī, 8-goe̍h 12 khai-sí): góa ū kiàn-gī lâng an-pâi sî-kan kóng Holopedia, sīm-chí chò hiān-tiûⁿ ê demo. Kiat-kó bô lâng ìn-siaⁿ. M̄-koh góa ē chhōe ki-hōe iōng káng-oân ê sin-hūn kóng--kúi-kù ah. Mā hi-bāng ū soan-thoân-toaⁿ the̍h khì pun lâng (sui-jiân ū khah lōng-hùi choá).
  • Tâi-oân Kàu-hōe Kong-pò
  • Kî-thaⁿ ê pò-siā? Kî-thaⁿ koán-tō?

A-giâu 17:49, 27 6g 2005 (UTC)