
Iōng-chiá thó-lūn:Wdshu

Wikipedia (chū-iû ê pek-kho-choân-su) beh kā lí kóng...

Wd 兄, lán chia 無「歡迎委員會」,所以我簡單 kā lí 講一聲「hoan-gêng」。下底這個網站教人羅馬字 ê 基礎,會使參考看māi:


A-giâu 11:23, 15 Oct 2004 (UTC)

A-giau(謙?)兄, 多謝你e留話, 我有時間e 常常去hi le 網站看看e. 多謝你e 關心. --Wdshu 22:12, 15 Oct 2004 (UTC)

Happy New Year[kái goân-sí-bé]

Mā chiok lí 2005 nî pêng-an, hoaⁿ-hí! Chit-chām-á khah bô-êng, só·-í bô hiah chia̍p lâi. A-giâu 05:03, 2 1g 2005 (UTC)

Wdshu兄, 其實我並不怎麼懂閩南語, 所以我只能加interwiki 跟一些template, 目前我也只能貢獻這些, 現在我還在學習閩南語中; By the way, Sin-nî khoài-lo̍k! --Kerry7374 20:50, 2 1g 2005 (UTC)

Hoklo Dictionary with Unicode[kái goân-sí-bé]

Wd hiaⁿ, ló·-la̍t lí poah tōa kang kiàn-li̍p chē-chē bûn-chiuⁿ lūi-pia̍t, chin kám-sim. Tû-liáu 1~2 ê só·-chāi ū cháu-cheng--khì, kî-thaⁿ ê lô-má-jī èng-kai bô būn-tê. Ū 1 tiám ài chù-ì--ê, tō-sī Wikipedia sī Unicode ê khoân-kéng, bē-tàng tī chia phah Taiwanese Package ê pian-bé. Chia ū 1 ê chin hó-iōng ê Unicode Hō-ló-oē sû-tián. Lí nā tó-ūi bô khak-tēng--ê, hia it-poaⁿ lóng ū tap-àn.

Wd 兄,ló·力你撥大工建立濟濟文章類別,真感心。除了 1~2 個所在有走精去,其它 ê 羅馬字應該無問題。有一點 ài 注意--ê,tō 是 Wikipedia 是 Unicode ê 環境,bē-tàng tī chia 拍 Taiwanese Package ê 編碼. Chia 有一個真好用 ê Unicode Hō-ló-oē 辭典。你若 tó 位無確定--ê,hia 一般 lóng 有答案。

A-giâu 00:42, 10 1g 2005 (UTC)

Wd hiaⁿ, góa chit-má thâu-khak thiàⁿ, bē-kham-tit bú che. Góa āu-choā chiah hôe-ta̍p lí mn̄g ê būn-tê, sit-lé.

Wd 兄,我 chit-má 頭殼疼,bē 堪得舞這。我後 choā chiah 來回答你問 ê 問題,失禮。

A-giâu 05:48, 10 1g 2005 (UTC)

Regarding those funny symbols, please use Keyman to make them (or if you're a Mac OS X user, try the experimental OpenVanilla). Both will work in any Unicode-aware applications, including M$ Word. Note, however, that Unicode-encoded POJ is not compatible with Taiwanese Package, the latter being a hack of European and other ASCII characters (note, for example, the German umlaut is borrowed to represent ū, ā, ī, etc.). TP may be thought of as POJ's equivalent of Big-5, with the important difference of not enjoying seamless interconversion between Big-5 and Unicode at the level of the operating system. The plan is to eventually phase out hacks in favor of Unicode; this could take years. In the meantime we use both, with the caveat that we need to know when to use which.

I've also edited your list of characters. Actually it's probably not necessary since below the edit box on each page is a comprehensive list. Note that if you are using Internet Explorer, "n3" (i.e. n with the third tone mark) will show up as a blank square, i.e. missing, because the font we're using now lacks that character. Other browsers manage to borrow it from other fonts, but IE is incompetent in that regard.

Hope the above helps. Sorry I have to write English, because I don't really have the time to write everything twice :( , though I don't mind doing so.

A-giâu 12:46, 10 1g 2005 (UTC)

Forgot to answer your last question: yes, I think I've been to your place. Such fond memories....  :) A-giâu 23:53, 10 1g 2005 (UTC)

Wd hiaⁿ, góa seng kā lí kiong-hí. Tī 2~3 kang lāi tùi bē-hiáu kàu ē-hiáu, koh lóng bô lâng kā lí khan-kà :) Koan-hē siaⁿ-tiāu hû-hō ê būn-tê (lí sī m̄ sī kóng "būn-tôe"?), chia ū hip 1 tiuⁿ siòng: Image:Wikipedia Firefox 0.9 OpenType.png.

Chhiáⁿ ún-chún góa ke-pô--chi̍t-ē, kā lí chìn-chêng siá--ê jī sió kái--chi̍t-ē (lâng kóng gú-giân ha̍k-si̍p siāng su-iàu feedback):

gôa tē-it-pái lâi chhì pa POJ. Chhò-ngō· ê só-chāi, ai-kok chhèng lí chí-kàu. Siaⁿ-tiāu chin-chiàⁿ pai sia.
góa tē-it-pái lâi chhì phah POJ. Chhò-ngō· ê só·-chāi, ài-koh chhiáⁿ lí chí-kàu. Siaⁿ-tiāu chin-chiàⁿ pháiⁿ siá.

Hàn-gí Phèng-im ê <p> tī POJ sī <ph> (h piáu-sī ài "sàng-khùi", kā chhùi-lāi ê khùi phah--chhut-khì). -<h> piáu-sī sī 1 ê "gluttoral sound", piáu-sī hit ê im "chek" tī nâ-âu lāi-té a̍h-sī tī hia tiāⁿ--khì: 鴨(ah)、拍(phah)、貼(tah)、肉(bah)、喝(hoah)、抹 (boah), etc. "chhiáⁿ" = chh- + iáⁿ (影); kiáⁿ 囝 = k- + iáⁿ.

Oa̍t-lâm-oē ke chin kán-tan!

A-giâu 23:53, 11 1g 2005 (UTC)

Browser problem[kái goân-sí-bé]

Wd hiaⁿ, you can set the interface language in the preferences panel. The POJ alphabet is part of the Hō-ló-oē interface and only available through it (as a convenience to those who are unable to input them directly -- such as people using a public PC); many other languages display their own respective special characters.

Lí ê tē-jī pái pí tē-it pái ū chìn-pō·! Siaⁿ-tiāu su-iàu liān-si̍p chiah ē chiàⁿ.

  • to-sia > to-siā (kám-siā)
  • gôa > góa (also spelled goá)
  • būn-tê (some dialects say būn-tôe)
  • go· khai sî-kan > koh khai... (go· is like 五 gō·)
  • ga li siūⁿ ê > kah lí... (POJ tradition writes "kap", more purist)
  • kang-khóan > kāng-khoán (cf. bô kâng)
  • Eng-gí (or Eng-gú)
  • hìt-kóa > hit (when syllable ends with h/k/p/t, only the eighth tone mark is applied)
  • sìaⁿ-tiāu > siaⁿ-tiāu (cf. chhiàng-siaⁿ, tōa-siaⁿ, sau-siaⁿ, siaⁿ-sàu)
  • Te-ji-bai > Tē-jī-pái (b as in "khí-mo· bái", ba̍k-bâi/eyebrow, bô bāng/no hope)

Í-siōng bóng chham-khó. Enjoy!

A-giâu 22:08, 12 1g 2005 (UTC)

Bûn-chiuⁿ liat-toaⁿ[kái goân-sí-bé]

Wdshu hiaⁿ, kám-siā lí thê-kiong ê "hóa-gí bûn-chiuⁿ" liat-toaⁿ. Góa kám-kah lí chò ê "Category" lóng chin chán! Pektiong 15:38, 17 1g 2005 (UTC)

Bûn-chiuⁿ lia̍t-toaⁿ[kái goân-sí-bé]

Wdshu hiaⁿ, kám-siā lí thê-kiong ê "hóa-gí bûn-chiuⁿ" liat-toaⁿ. Góa kám-kah lí chò ê "Category" lóng chin chán! Pektiong 15:38, 17 1g 2005 (UTC)

from Limkianhui[kái goân-sí-bé]

真欢喜会当熟似汝! 感谢汝啲关心佮鼓励。本然,我嘛是诚久无来维基皮地亚喽,辷两工仔,想讲闲闲无代誌,着罔过来趖趖行行咧。无疑误,辷摆来,煞发现“维基”遮 加足闹热,嘛有一寡新啲朋友加入辷嗰阵營,实在bē bái ! 總是,汝咱做伙拍拼,斗陣来做母语啲功课(khang-khòe). 祝福汝! --Limkianhui

Siaⁿ-tiāu hû-hō[kái goân-sí-bé]

Sorry for the delay. I'll get back to you on tone sandhi (tone change) later.

Re commenting on edits: I usually try to note possibly controversial edits in the hope of opening dialogues towards consensus on "best practice". This process is more robust on en, less so on zh, I think. A-giâu 12:40, 20 1g 2005 (UTC)

Well, there are various materials on-line but I am not able to point you to any particular one that I consider "best" (maybe other people can help me?). Below are some links:

A-giâu 22:50, 21 1g 2005 (UTC)

I flipped through a couple books that have rather concise outlines of the orthography. I'll see if I can't scan or photograph a few pages. I originally learned POJ from looking at 2 pages of outlines printed in a somewhat seditious magazine, so I think a few pages should be enough. The rest is just practice. A-giâu 01:55, 23 1g 2005 (UTC)

Chioh-mn̄g Tô͘ ê pán-koân[kái goân-sí-bé]

Hi, I want to use pictures on the page of 陳澄波 , but I do not kown how to get the right to use them. Are all the pictures stored in Wikipedia available? For instance, if pic.A had been used by zh.wiki, can I copy it to other wiki without any asking or notification? Thanks for your replication. --A-kun--a 05:28, 7 Peh-goe̍h 2005 (UTC)

Yes, m̄-koh chiân-tê sī Pic A pún-sin bô ûi-hoán tù-chok-koân (pau-koah Bí-kok hoat-lu̍t kui-hoān ê fair use tiâu-kiāⁿ). Wikipedia lāi-pō· oân-ná ū siaⁿ-im jīn-ûi kóng, bô èng-kai iōng fair use ê mi̍h-kiāⁿ, iā-chiū-sī kóng, èng-kai kan-taⁿ iōng "chū-iû hí-khó" ê chok-phín (public domain, GFDL, CC-by-sa téng-téng). A-giâu 06:48:22, 2005-08-10 (UTC)


hi Wdshu:

Well done! You have done a great job in building this site in Ho Lok (Taiwanese language);

My father was Taiwanese, and my mother was from Fukiene (China), next to Kinmen

Hence, spoken Taiwanese , or Ho Lok, is my mother tongue, but, being born and bred in Hong Kong, I have forgot all my spoken Ho Lok, but I can still understand spoken Ho Lok very well

瓦無法度寫Ho Lok話, so let me write in English again

As a Taiwanese, you respect freedom of speech and academic freedom 學術自由, because Taiwan is a nation presently bullied by China; please contact me ( freehongkong25@hotmail.com ) and help me, if you think the Chinese spy Wing is abusing his or her power to delete pro-independence entries,

請您回我 email (freehongkong25@hotmail.com ),因為wikipedia 的中國administrators,不尊重information freedom, 一直在刪除港獨的資訊

Sincerely, Chong, contact person of Hong Konger Front, and Hong Kong Independence Movement

I hereby strongly protest against Wing, a China-born wikipedia admininstrator (in charge of the Chinese version of wikipedia) who keeps deleting the entries about the Hong Kong Independence Movement and the Hong Konger Front, both groups advocate building an independence sovereign state of Hong Kong;

China-born Wing (you lived in Maine, the USA, right), Hong Kongers are not Chinese, and at least 30% of Hong Kongers want the Chinese occupying troops (PLA) to get out of the Hong Kong, and at least 30% of Hong Kongers do want the Beijing regime to leave Hong Kong alone, and at least 30% of Hong Kongers have the visions of building an independent sovereign Hong Kong state

China-born Wing, I know you dislike Hong Kong separatists, but does it mean this (your hatred against Hong Kong separatists) is the reason why you are abusing your power to delete the entries of Hong Konger Front and Hongkong Independence Movement

China-born Wing You live and study in the USA, a democratic nation, but you have not learnt about democracy, and freedom of speech, and freedom of expression in the USA

China-born Wing, I think you pay no respect to the wikipedia, because you delete any politics-related entries you dislike

香港人不是中國人, 香港也不是中國的一部分.所謂 “九七香港回歸” 只不過是北京政權在違背香港人的自由意志下對香港人所實施的非法暴行.

中國人Wong, 請你尊重學術自由, 不要在當中國的間諜

Hong Konger Frontline(我是香港人連線), calling for Hong Kong independence http://www.geocities.com/hk_front

Best regards, Hong Kong-born Chong (香港人Chong)

Your account will be renamed[kái goân-sí-bé]

2015-nî 3-goe̍h 20-ji̍t (Pài 5) 08:48 (UTC)

{{subst:db-csd-notice-custom|1=tóng-àn:Liao Wen-I.jpg|2=badfairuse}} Vycl1994 (對話) 2018-nî 8-goe̍h 9-ji̍t (Pài 4) 04:05 (UTC)